Day 272, Year 9: Shopping . . . Ugh
Date: Sunday, July 20, 2014
Weather: Overcast, High Temp in the 70’s—But Feels a Bit Chilly
Location: Quissett Harbor, Falmouth, Massachusetts

This was a work day. Mark worked at West Marine and I decided to do what I call a ‘loop’ shopping trip . . . starting here and crossing the Bourne Bridge to get off the Cape, heading almost to Boston, and then coming home via a different highway and crossing the Sagamore Bridge to get home. This allows me to go to the LL Bean Outlet, an Old Navy store, IKEA, Costco, Whole Foods, and REI. I was looking for things at all of those places, but came home fairly empty handed. I did manage to get the additional deck chairs for Heather and Jed that wouldn’t fit in the car the first time around as well as get book shelf doors for them at IKEA, and I did find a couple of clothing items. I was also able to get gluten-free products at Whole Foods to take with us on vacation. Both our daughter-in-law Jo, and now grandson Ziggy, have wheat sensitivities, so I stocked up on Pamela’s gluten-free bread and baking mixes for them. By the time I delivered the chairs and book shelf doors to Heather and Jed’s, it was time to go pick up Mark from work. On Thursday of this week we leave for our family reunion in Williamsburg, Virginia, so I have a feeling it is going to be a jam-packed week of planning and packing. Just getting all seven of us in the van and ready to go on Thursday will be challenging.

At the start of the day, after dropping Mark off at West Marine, I stopped by Heather and Jed’s to check with them about the items they needed from IKEA. The boys were all dressed in safari outfits and were in the garden pretending it was a jungle. They all have such vivid imaginations and you just never know what creative play they might be into when you drop by. Jonah went to his best friend’s birthday party yesterday and the party treats were safari hats and a bucket loaded with additional items one might need on a safari. He brought home a bucket for Sam and one for Ollie, so everyone could enjoy the fun.

140720 Day 272 Cape Cod, USA–Early Morning Safari