Day 238, Year 9: From Greenland, NH to Falmouth, MA
Date: Monday, June 16, 2014
Weather: Felt Like Summer
Location: At Home with Bruce and Jane Woodin, Falmouth, MA
On this beautiful summery day we traveled from Greenland, New Hampshire back to Falmouth, Massachusetts—but we didn’t move back aboard Windbird. We are going to wait a few more days to give Mark more time to recover on stable ground. In the meantime, we are staying with friends, Bruce and Jane Woodin. Mark is making slow, but steady progress. He does not have a fever, the drainage from the surgical site has all but stopped, and he is generally feeling better—not perfect, but good enough.
We are so lucky to have friends with homes in such peaceful settings—perfect for recovery from surgery. And we are so very grateful for their hospitality. Once we moved all our things into Bruce and Jane’s late this afternoon, I drove to Quissett to check on Windbird. The sun and wind have kept the refrigerator and freezer running for the past week when I was here last, but just barely. I stayed for an hour tonight to run the engine to charge the batteries a bit, but I will have to return and do this a little each day to get the charge back to normal. It was great to be back aboard Windbird, but I’ll have to be content with short visits for another week.
140616 Day 238 Cape Cod, USA–Leaving Porat's by the Bay |