Day 323, Year 8: Fun in Downtown Falmouth
Date: Sunday, September 22, 2013
Weather: Overcast and Rainy Early, Clearing Late Afternoon
Location: Eel Pond, Woods Hole, Massachusetts

Today was our “Fun in downtown Falmouth” day with grandkids. We spent the early part of the rainy morning on Windbird with Sam, Jonah, and Heather. Oliver made it through the night at home without mommy and Jed was able to keep him entertained this morning until he came to Woods Hole at 10:30 am to pick up Heather, Sam, and Jonah. We all then met at the Falmouth Town Center and went to the Family Amusements Center to go candlepin bowling. Bowling is one of those games that I am just not able to master. I always manage to get the lowest score of anyone I’m playing with and today was no exception. But it was fun, nonetheless. We had pizza for lunch and then Heather and Jed took the boys for a drive in hopes of letting them get a mini-nap before the next activity. At 2 pm we went to the Falmouth First Congregational Church to hear the Cadet Glee Club of the US Coast Guard Academy from New London, Connecticut. This was a definite gray hair event. There were only seven children in attendance including our three. But our boys were very well-behaved. They didn’t last through the whole program, but I think they enjoyed what they saw. The Glee Club opened with the national anthem and Jonah immediately joined right in. He loves singing the Star-bangled Banner and it was a shame to have to quiet him. But he enjoyed listening and heard yet another rendition of this song.

130922 Day 323 Cape Cod, USA–US Coast Guard Academy Concert