Day 201, Year 8: Brave Jonah
Date: Thursday, May 23, 2013
Weather: Windy, Partly Cloudy Day, Rainy Evening
Location: Eel Pond, Woods Hole, Massachusetts

Jonah is going to be four in June. He’s tiny for his age and is as cute as a button. And today he showed his brave side. I walked into the room where he was waiting to be taken to into the OR early this morning, and he and his momma were sitting on the bed together. Heather was filling out forms and Jonah was just enjoying the moment. Heather had told him what would be happening and he was fine with that—not one complaint. In the end, he didn’t have to have his adenoids removed, and only the tubes were put in. So once he came out from under the anesthesia, he was just fine. But we were all super proud of him for being such a brave little trouper.

Since I came into town early this morning, Mark took the bus in to work. I stayed at Heather’s for the day, doing a little bit of gardening, some laundry for Mark and I, and then driving to Hyannis for Heather. Trader Joe’s in Hyannis donated 50 pounds of frozen strawberries to Jonah’s school for their May Fair fundraising project—selling strawberry shortcake. And I volunteered to go get the frozen strawberries. Heather is in charge of fundraising for the school, so tomorrow she will pick up fresh strawberries, biscuits, and whipped cream to round out the shortcake. May Fair is held in Woods Hole on this weekend each year and different non-profit groups sell food as a yearly fund raiser. Unfortunately the weather report for Saturday looks rainy. Tomorrow there is 100% chance of rain in Woods Hole. Saturday looks a bit better, but the rain date for May Fair is Sunday, so we’ll just have to see how the weather plays out. Jed is leaving late tomorrow to head for New Haven, Connecticut, for the twentieth anniversary of his graduation from Yale. Heather and the boys are planning to come to Windbird to spend the night and then we’ll all go to the May Fair, weather permitting.