Day 171, Year 8: Making Lists and Checking Them Twice
Date: Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Weather: Winds ENE 10; Temp in the Low 70’s F—Getting Warmer
Location: Lightkeepers Marina in Coquina Harbor, Little River, SC
Santa Claus is not coming to town, not as far as we know, but we are still making our lists and checking them twice. Getting ready for departure on a passage is one of those time when it is really important to make lists and make sure you have done what is on the list. We defrosted the freezer and cleaned out the refrigerator in anticipation of the upcoming passage. We then went to Patsy and Joe’s and spent part of the afternoon cleaning their van that we have been driving for the past five months, did some cooking, and got our photos stored away. It doesn’t sound like much, but it was a full day of activity. Tomorrow morning we go to get fuel, do some more food shopping, get ready for the trip to Annapolis, and then go out to dinner with Patsy and Joe and Brian and Judy Thompson. It will be another full day. On Thursday morning we will head to Annapolis with Lynda and Lee Kaufman to help in their search for a new sailboat. We hope to be home by Saturday evening, but more realistically, we probably won’t get home until Sunday. Depending on the weather and exactly when we get home, plans will be made on Sunday for the final departure time for Windbird.
The weather was much better today. The day started out windy and cool but by evening the wind had finally died down and it warmed up a bit. It is a temporary warm up, however, as another front moves across the country and sends north winds back this way on Thursday. That will cool things down once again. It’s still too early to tell what the weather will really be like next week for the beginning of the passage, but it is my bet that it will be an Intracoastal trip to the Chesapeake and on up into the Delaware Bay. It looks like things are just not settled enough for an outside trip. But we shall see.