Day 164, Year 8: Windbird’s Turn for Spring Cleaning
Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Weather: Winds E 10; Temp in the Upper to Mid 70’s F
Location: Lightkeepers Marina in Coquina Harbor, Little River, SC

After taking Mark to the airport for his flight to Boston in the VERY early morning, I came back to Windbird and went back to bed. It is 5:15 am and still very dark, so sleep seemed like the sensible thing to do. When I got up for the second time, I started a cleaning spree. My goal was to take the cushions out of the v-berth and do a deep cleaning of that area. I got everything that was being stored on the v-berth out, but then one thing led to another and that job got only half done today. In order to take the cushions out of the v-berth, I decided that I first needed to clean the cockpit and the deck. That led to cleaning out a big Igloo cooler that holds our fishing gear and sits on the deck. Well, that was one big mess. Water had gotten into the cooler and everything was a wet and rusty. I saved as much as I could and washed out all of the containers and the cooler. I then cleaned all of the cockpit cushions and called it a day. Tomorrow or Thursday I will get those v-berth cushions out and clean the v-berth. Right now the cooler holding the fishing gear is in the cockpit until everything gets dried out, so I will also get that put away tomorrow or the next day.

Right now I am at Patsy and Joe’s and will use their internet connection to send this log before going back to the boat for the night. When Mark is not at home, we don’t internet on the boat as we use his phone as a hot spot. So when he is gone, I don’t only miss Mark, I miss his phone! Mark’s flight to Boston this morning went smoothly, as did his medical appointments. He will meet with his oncologist tomorrow before flying home and find out the results of today’s scan. He met with his endocrinologist late this afternoon and she declared the September parathyroid surgery a success and said she would not need to see him again. The blood tests done today showed that everything is normal, so that is great news.

Mark took public transportation from the airport to the hospital this morning and called to report that all looked normal in Boston, but this afternoon when he walked out to the main street that runs in front of Mass General, he realized everything was not as normal as he had thought. When he arrived at the hospital this morning, he went straight from the T-station into the Yawkey Outpatient Center at Mass General. They are adjacent and he didn’t have to go out on the street. When he did go out this afternoon, he was surprised to see policemen (maybe National Guard) in camouflage carrying AK-47’s and lots of uniformed policemen. But basically it sounds like Boston is trying to carry on as normally as possible under the circumstances. If all goes well, Mark will be home by 10:00 tomorrow night and life will be back to normal.