Day 146, Year 8: Good Friday
Date: Friday, March 29, 2013
Weather: Cooler Than It Should Be
Location: At Home with Patsy and Joe, Calabash, NC
It was a good Friday. Patsy was able to eat a normal diet for the first time in more than two weeks, so we all feel very good about that—especially her. It was the first day that she has really felt hungry, so we know we are making progress. I did a lot of food shopping and cleaning and food preparation. Joe played golf. And Mark worked on organizing our videos. BC (before cancer) Mark did all of the photo organization, but since last January, that went by the wayside. So today he played catch-up. The weather report says it is going to be 70 degrees with no wind tomorrow, so we hope to go to the boat and get the main sail back up. We took it down a few weeks ago to repair the sail cover and it has been windy ever since. We have been waiting for a calm day to put it back up. My nephew Rex and his wife Diana arrive on Wednesday with friends who are looking forward to a sail, so we hope tomorrow is our calm day.