Day 115, Year 8: Same, Same Plus Les Miserables
Date: Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Weather: Overcast with Pouring Rain, Clearing in the Afternoon
Location: Lightkeepers Marina in Coquina Harbor, Little River, SC

Today was more of the same with time out to go see a movie. The ‘same, same’ was working on the photos. I made it to Rarotonga with my photo renaming project today and Mark is right behind me in getting the renamed photos posted with our Year One logs. By the end of the evening, both of us were ready to sail away and head around the world again. The South Pacific is just so beautiful and looking at those photos beckons us back. We really do understand why there was mutiny on The Bounty.

We spent our afternoon going to see Les Miserables. All I can say is, “Wow.” Neither Mark nor I have ever seen any of the many productions of Les Mis so the story was new to us. It is certainly a sad tale but the movie was spectacular with excellent singing and acting. When we were driving to the movie, it was pouring rain as it had been all night and all morning. But just as we pulled up to the curb to get out of the car, it stopped raining and the sun tried its best to shine through all those clouds. Mark and I took a long walk when we got home and enjoyed the last of the warmish weather that we will have for quite a few days. It starts turning cooler tomorrow and is supposed to stay that way through next week. I just hope it is not too cool to do the work on the deck without being too ‘miserables.’