Day 112, Year 8: Time Traveler
Date: Saturday, February 23, 2013
Weather: Same, Same . . . Overcast, Cool, and Rainy
Location: Lightkeepers Marina in Coquina Harbor, Little River, SC

I’m doing a bit of time traveling on these dreary, rainy days. Joe is still scanning those hundreds of slides from the 1950’s and 1960’s. Patsy wrote dates and names on them years ago, thankfully, so once they are scanned, I transfer the handwritten information to the photograph on the computer. Then Patsy makes sure all of the slides are in date order in the boxes. It is quite an assembly line. And all of those old photos surely bring back a flood of memories. When I am not on the computer captioning the newly scanned in photographs, I am on the computer re-naming photos from the first year of the Voyage of Windbird. After I get them named, Mark captions them in Picasa and then links them to the appropriate Travel Log on the web site. At least he tries to. Google is not making things easy. Since the beginning of Year 2 of our voyage, we have been using Picasa and the process has been the same since 2007. That is, until just recently, and in particular today. A while back, Google+ started appearing when we would upload our photos. But since this new ‘look’ didn’t allow us to link our photos to our web site, we clicked the little button provided on the screen to transfer us to our Picasa albums on the web. Today that little button on the screen disappeared and Mark could not figure out how to link our photos. He worked for a couple of hours and finally once the little button on the screen appeared. He clicked on it and it took him to our Picasa site. He immediately captured the web address and now he can get to Picasa that way. But who knows how long that will work. Obviously Google is hard at work making changes. I don’t oppose change, but it would be nice to know what they are doing and why. The old way was so easy, so why change?

Now, back to the time traveling. Today I re-named photos from Bequia in the Caribbean to Bonaire to the San Blas through the Panama Canal and on to the Galapagos in early 2006. It was a glorious trip! I didn’t make it back to the 1970’s today to revisit our first year together. I have to put that time trip on hold for bit while all of this other work gets done. Tomorrow I’m hoping to get to Tahiti in our photos and through 1967 in Patsy and Joe’s slides. It feels good to get all of this organization of the past done, but when doing this I am haunted by the words of my high school vice-principal, Mr. Moore. He might have borrowed the words from someone else, but I will always attribute them to him. “If you are still talking about what you did yesterday, then you must not be doing anything today.” But as long as it is raining, I’m content with reliving yesterday.

130223 Day 112 South Carolina, USA–Naming Those Photos