Day 277, Year 7: Weather Forecast Changed Our Plans
Date: Saturday, August 11, 2012
Weather: Rain Overnight and All Morning, Clear in the Afternoon
Location: Eel Pond, Woods Hole, Massachusetts

It rained all night last night and was still pouring this morning, so
Heather and Jed called this morning and suggested we cancel our sailing trip
to Tarpaulin Cove. Both the forecast and the radar showed nothing but rain
for all of today and tomorrow. But as it happens so often, the forecast
just wasn’t right. The sun came out just after noon and we had a party
cloudy and delightfully windy afternoon. Heather, Jed, and kids did come
out for dinner. They brought their things just in case they decided to
spend the night and that was wise as they are all here now and sound asleep.
Heather now has a full blown cold, as well as Oliver, and she and Jed were
both so tired. So we made some Ovaltine for Sam and Jonah and let them
watch a video about the Galapagos Islands and we put Heather and Oliver and
Jed to bed. I’m the only one still awake, and I think I will turn in early
as well. We didn’t even talk about what we will do tomorrow, but if the
weather is beautiful, we might go sailing. If it is not, we will probably
go ashore and watch the start of the Falmouth Road Race.

Heather and Jed have had to make last minute changes in their summer plans.
Jed’s parents have a summer home in Boothbay, Maine, and Heather, Jed, and
kids spend a week or so there with them each year. This year they were
going up the week before Labor Day. But Jed’s father has to go home to
Washington, DC, to have unexpected surgery on the 20th and will not be back
in Maine until mid-September. Sam will be in kindergarten by then and
Heather and Jed don’t want to take him out of school for a full week, so
they are heading north on Tuesday of this week. Thankfully Jed’s schedule
is flexible right now and Heather will use a recorded interview for her show
while she is gone. I’ve said it many times, but flexibility is the name of
the game.