Day 257, Year 7: Sailing Sunday
Date: Sunday, July 22, 2012
Weather: Mostly Sunny with Winds from the SW
Location: Eel Pond, Woods Hole, Massachusetts

We did it. We finally got the headsail on, installed the wind indicator on
the top of the mast, and removed all of the spikey bird protection strips so
we could sail away. Mark and I got the headsail put on before the wind came
up and then when Heather, Jed, and boys arrived, Heather went up the mast
and did the rest. Once the work was done, we headed out of Eel Pond and
across Vineyard Sound to an anchorage off a beach near Edgartown on Martha’s
Vineyard. The boys played on the beach while the adults kicked back and
relaxed. I stayed on Windbird with a sleeping Oliver, but later in the
afternoon, I got my turn to head to shore. We had a great sail back and
when we got back to Eel Pond we had friends of Heather and Jed over for
sundowners. Louis and Julie have two little girls the ages of Sam and
Jonah, and even though they go to school together, you would have thought
that the dearest long lost friends were getting together. It was a perfect
fun-filled summer day.

120722 Day 257 Cape Cod, USA–Heather Up the Mast