Day 225, Year 7: Happy Summer
Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Weather: Beautiful Day
Location: At Heather and Jed’s in E Falmouth, MA

Summer solstice was today and the weather here on Cape Cod was summer
perfect. Solstice was actually a day earlier than normal due to the fact
that this is a leap year. Usually it is on the 21st of June, our
daughter-in-law Jo’s birthday. To celebrate the official entrance of summer
I went to the beach in Woods Hole with Heather and all three boys for the
morning. We then had lunch on Windbird before returning to Heather’s.
After naps, we all played in the backyard. Heather brought out a tray with
a chocolate treat and cold drinks for all. Jonah was swinging when I gave
him his chocolate treat and he beamed saying, “This makes me so happy.” I
agreed with him. Heather and Sam continued having fun using the push lawn
mower and then Sam got out the hose with a sprayer to cool himself down. It
was a fun summer day and we are looking forward to more beach fun tomorrow

What was I thinking last night when I wrote that things were getting back to
normal? I’m pretty sure there is no such thing, and I know we are not going
to reach that state any time soon. Even though today was a lovely summer
day, we are dealing with all sorts of issues. Mark still has his cold and
now he thinks he has another bladder infection. Ugh! Jonah is recovering
from his double ear infection, but now we think the baby might have an ear
infection. Oliver’s cold is really still bothering him and he cries out
from time to time like something really hurts. Heather might take him to
the doctor tomorrow. I guess we’ll see how he makes it through the night.
Jed left today for a conference in Italy, and Heather hasn’t had more than
three hours sleep for the past couple of nights due to sick kids. So Mark
and I moved back in with Heather for a few days. She has often had the two
boys for a week while Jed has been gone, but having three boys, with two of
them sick, is another story. We will pitch in as we can and hope to find a
way for everyone to get the rest needed to enjoy this beautiful weather.