Day 222, Year 7: Happy Father’s Day
Date: Sunday, June 17, 2012
Weather: Mix of Clouds and Sun, Temps in the Upper 70’s
Location: Eel Pond, Woods Hole, Massachusetts

Happy Father’s Day to all of you fathers out there, especially to the
fathers of my grandchildren, Justin and Jed. I still can’t believe our son
Justin is a father and will be having another baby in just a little over a
month. Where do those years go? I don’t think it was much of a Father’s
Day for Mark since he had to sit in a car all day and night and felt lousy
because of his cold, but both Heather and Justin called him and cheered his
day. Justin was hoping to go fishing with Ziggy for Father’s Day, but Jed’s
day got co-opted by sick babies. Oliver has a really bad cold and Jonah’s
cold turned into a double ear infection. Jed spent his Father’s Day morning
taking Jonah to the doctor. Hopefully Justin and Ziggy caught some fish and
had a great day. We’ll just have to plan something special for Jed and Mark
at a later date.

Our trip home from West Virginia didn’t go quite as smoothly as the trip
down, but we made it home safely just before 11 pm and went to bed
immediately. We left the hotel at 6:30 am after having breakfast with my
sister and her husband and made great time until we got about a mile and
half from the George Washington Bridge in New York City. It took us almost
two hours of inching forward to get across the bridge and on our way again.
But that two hour delay meant we didn’t get home until late. My niece’s
husband met us at a point in Massachusetts where we could head south to the
Cape without having to take Candi all the way home. That saved us a lot of
time, but Mark left his wallet in the back seat of Candi’s car and that
delayed us once again. We realized this almost immediately once we got back
on the interstate, but both cars had to get to the next exit in our journeys
south and north and turn around and go back to our meeting point again. And
then Mark and I stopped at MacDonald’s to get a grilled chicken sandwich and
unfortunately it was the slowest McDonald’s we have ever encountered. It
took a full 15 minutes of waiting. So one little delay after another turned
our day of travel into a long one. But if Char hadn’t met us, it would have
been after midnight when we got home, so we are very thankful for his
suggestion of meeting us. Thank you, Char.