Day 179, Year 7: No Super Full Moon Here Tonight
Date: Saturday, May 5, 2012
Weather: Still Overcast and Misty
Location: Brewer Fiddler’s Cove Marina, N Falmouth, MA
Tonight there is a super full moon somewhere on earth-just not here. It has
been overcast for days and we have seen neither sun nor moon. I’m hoping
our friends Heather and Jon of Evergreen, on passage from the Galapagos to
the Marquesas, have clear skies tonight and can enjoy the ‘super moon.’ It
should appear to be 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than normal
full moons as it makes its closest path to the earth this year. We had a
gorgeous full moon on our passage to the Galapagos on the night we crossed
the equator. It was a night we will never forget. But unfortunately, the
overcast skies are preventing us from enjoying the moon tonight.
This drizzly weather is getting a bit wearing and there is no clear
indication of when it will end. In fact, it looks like we could have rain
most days this coming week. Tomorrow and Monday look like the only chances
for a bit of sunshine. Since this is the week we were planning to do as
much work as possible on the port deck, a more favorable forecast would have
been our choice. But you don’t always get what you want. We were also
hoping that Mark would be feeling better by today, but that didn’t happen
either. He was not able to go to work today. He’s feeling a bit better
tonight and is hoping that he will have the energy to work tomorrow. If he
does work tomorrow, he then has only Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to work
on the deck before he goes back to work for the remainder of the week. And
then it will be Chemo Monday once again. Somehow we have align the days
when Mark is feeling good with sunny days when he is not working at West
Marine and can work on the deck. Otherwise, it could be mid-summer before
we get this deck project completed. But I’m going to work with Heather
tomorrow to get much of the garden planted and then call on her to come help
me with the deck caulking when Mark is not available. Mark can always hold
Oliver on the days when he is feeling lousy and that allows Heather to work
with me. The boat gets hauled out of the water either next week or the
following week, deck completed or not, so we have to get the job done.
Once it became apparent that Mark did not have the energy to work today, he
decided to go to the Saturday market with me and then go to Heather and
Jed’s and veg on the sofa while I worked in the garden. Heather got some
time to work in the garden as well, but it is hard when there are three
little ones demanding your attention. Jed is working hard to get the
kitchen wall rebuilt and ready for the delivery of the new refrigerator this
week. So there’s no lack of activity around here.