Day 102, Year 7: Announcing . . . The Year of Grandbabies
Date: Saturday, February 18, 2012
Weather: Gorgeous Day, Temps in the 40’s F
Location: Brewer Fiddler’s Cove Marina, N Falmouth, MA
We didn’t see any Northern Right Whales today, but we did get fantastic news from New Mexico. We were sworn to secrecy until the 18 week check-up yesterday, but now the word is finally out. Ziggy is going to have a baby brother or sister in July. We are so happy for Justin, Jo, and Ziggy, and so excited to be having two new grandbabies in 2012. For Mark and me, grandchildren are the crowning glory of life. Watching our children rearing the next generation is a joy that can’t be described in words. Late this afternoon we had a video Skype call where Sam and Jonah got to see and talk to cousin Ziggy and Heather and Jo got to compare the size of their bellies. Heather won that contest hands down, but then she has only six weeks or so to go. April 10 and July 24, plus or minus a few days one way or another, are the expected arrival dates. We can’t wait.
The weather today was perfect for our drive to the outer Cape. The sky was blue, the sun was shining, and although not warm, the temperature was in the 40’s and was not too cold. We went to two beaches in Provincetown in search of whales, but unfortunately none were to be seen today. But sand dunes and beach that seems to stretch on forever were beautiful sights. Sam and Jonah enjoyed playing in the sand. Sam took an old plastic boat that Heather and Jed recovered in the Gulf Stream on one of our sails north from either Florida or South Carolina years ago. Somehow this cheap boat is indestructible and today Sam ran in through the sand the whole time we were at the beach. Heather built sand forts with Jonah and I collected rocks. Jed and Mark assisted in these activities making it a fun experience for all. We had lunch in Provincetown and before leaving town, Sam and Jonah found a Right Whale on the dock that they could climb and sit on. Sam declared the day a success when we sighted this whale, and I have photos to document the “discovery.”
Ed and Lynne of Constance called us today, we got an email from Peter and Carla of Odulphus from their home port in the Netherlands, and we got an email from friends Pam and Dave of Jubilee, currently in the Bahamas. Ed and Lynne are headed to New Zealand and Australia for the next six weeks, Peter and Carla are surrounded by ice and Odulphus is covered with snow in the Netherlands, and Dave and Pam just recovered a glass ball float on the beach that was made in North Falmouth. It really is a small world. For all the mild weather we are having, Europeans are experiencing one of the coldest winters in years, and Peter and Carla are actually thinking about selling Odulphus and buying a smaller boat so they can afford to move to a land-based home. We also got an email from website friend Rich C. He attached a really neat video of a manatee visiting his boat in Florida. As always, it was great to catch up with cruising friends.
Tomorrow is Sunday and we are declaring it an official date of rest. Enjoy.
120218 Day 102a Cape Cod, USA–Our Growing Family |
120218 Day 102b Cape Cod,, USA–In Search of Whales |