Day 61, Year 6 ’twas the Night before Christmas
Date: Friday, December 24, 2010
Weather: Rainy Early, Then Partly Sunny
Location: Simon’s Town, Western Cape, South Africa
It is the night before Christmas and all is well. Justin, Jo, and Ziggy arrived at Heathrow in London at 10 am this morning after a three-day delay and a 24-hour flight and we know they are just happy to be there. Heather, Jed, Sam, and Jonah arrived in Maine on Wednesday evening after a long drive from Cape Cod with snow falling all the way. We talked with Heather early this afternoon and just finished a Skype call with Justin, Jo, and Ziggy. So our children are all settled in with family for Christmas. We just wish we could be there with them.
We spent the day getting ready for Christmas-baking pies, sending email greetings, doing the last minute shopping. Tomorrow morning we will have Carla and Pieter of Odulphus over for breakfast, as well as Kevin of Ocapela and Duncan and Irene of Moose. We were all together for Happy Hour at the Yacht Club this evening, so we just invited the whole group for quiche and fruit flan on Christmas morning. After breakfast, we’ll cook the turkey, dressing, and veggies for the Christmas dinner with other cruisers. We will talk with our children on their Christmas mornings (our afternoon) and then head up to the Yacht Club for our gift exchange with the group of cruisers we arrived here with. Then other cruisers have been invited to join us for a shared dinner. Since we really only know Carla and Pieter of Odulphus it is not quite like being with a group of good friends or family, but I know we will all enjoy the time together.
A note about last night . . . After sending the log yesterday, we went to the Yacht Club for a braai. We sat with Steve, Truce, and Shep who are on a catamaran just across from us on the dock. Steve of Chicago and Truce of the Netherlands are the owners of Key of D and Shep is a crew member from Chicago. Steve and Truce are hosting a Christmas dinner party for good friends tonight and they are having “turducken.” I have never heard of this before, but it is a turkey stuffed with a duck and the duck stuffed with a chicken. Thus the name TUR-DUCK-EN. I’ll certainly have to try this sometime.
We hope you are enjoying a beautiful Christmas Eve and we wish all of you a very Merry Christmas.