Day 41, Year 6 Slow but Steady Progress
Date: Saturday, December 4, 2010
Weather: Overcast Early; Sunny and Windy Late AM-PM
Location: Tuzi Gazi Marina, Richards Bay, South Africa
The list of twenty things that we thought we could get done today was a little too ambitious. We actually crossed off four things on the list, but progress was slow and we will continue tomorrow. One thing that was not on the list that took much of the morning was forward planning from here to home. And the we are trying to finish off the on-line Christmas shopping, get the remainder of the provisions that we bought last week put away and entered into a spreadsheet so we know what we have where, finish up the logs and photos from Kruger, seal the stainless that was cleaned yesterday, and catch up on long over-due emails. We’ll make more progress tomorrow, but I doubt that we will get all twenty items crossed off before Monday. Right now it is looking like we might have a window to head south on Wednesday and we really want to get these things done before we leave.
We talked to Heather, Jed, Sam, and Jonah today and Jonah called us Oma and Granddad for the first time. It sounds more like Ona and Granda but it sure made our day. Sam was pretending to be a spider today and was using a skein of orange yarn to make a web that went from living room to den – fascinating to watch on Skype video. Justin and Jo are moving from one house to another in Madrid, New Mexico this weekend, so I doubt that we get to talk to them until sometime next week. But we did talk to my sister Patsy and her husband Joe and to Jed’s parents, Marti and Donald. So slowly but surely we are making progress. Tomorrow’s goal is simply to continue on with today’s list.