Day 375, Year 6: Snow Country
Date: Thursday, November 3, 2011
Weather: Beautiful, Sunny Day; Daytime Temp in the 50’s
Location: Eel Pond, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Brrrrrrr . . . we drove north to Concord, New Hampshire today and as soon as we were out of Boston, we started seeing some piles of snow along the road. I know I heard that there was snow in the Northeast over the weekend, but not until we got to Concord and found the ground still covered with a few inches of that white, fluffy stuff did the reality really hit me. The last time it snowed in Concord for Halloween was over a hundred years ago! I sure hope this is not a precursor of a colder than normal winter. But despite the snow today, the sun was shining and it felt warm while we were working in the storage unit. It is usually freezing when we are there, so we stayed a little longer than usual and really tried to go through things. We have a much better handle on what is there and we came away with winter coats and clothes for the cold time.
This evening we went to a Concord Yacht Club meeting. It was great fun to see old friends, the dinner was fabulous, and we truly enjoyed the speaker. Mark Klinker, a Concord cardiologist who decided to spend six months as the physician at the South Pole. He has always had a fascination with that part of the world and his photographs depicting day to day life in that VERY chilly part of the world were fascinating. After the yacht club meeting, we came back to Alan and Helaine Kanegsberg’s home. It was great catching up on what has been happening in their lives. All in all, it was a very successful trip. We just hope we don’t take any of this snowy weather back to the Cape with us tomorrow.
111103 Day 375 New Hampshire, USA–Snow Country |