Day 330, Year 6: Perfect Day for Building
Date: Monday, September 19, 2011
Weather: Mostly Sunny, Warming Up
Location: Eel Pond, Woods Hole, Massachusetts

The sun was shining and the temperature was in the mid- to upper-60’s today making it just a perfect day for building-not too hot, not too cold, not too windy. Mark and I went to Heather and Jed’s early and worked all day on the garden shed. I stopped to do my Granny Nanny thing in the afternoon, but Mark somehow managed to get the roof rafters up all by himself. He is ahead of schedule as getting the rafters up was his goal for the day, but he also got about half of the siding on. There’s a place for the door and a window and it looks enough like a house that Sam has started making plans for moving in. After nap, Sam and Jonah went to work with Granddad and Sam actually moved a number of boards from the driveway to the construction site using one of his dump trunks to haul them. Unfortunately it might rain tomorrow. We’ll hope that doesn’t happen and we can get the rest of the siding on and at least get the trim boards and roof plywood on. Mark’s not sure he’ll get the shingles on, but the shed should be under roof by tomorrow evening.

We stayed at Heather’s for dinner and had Indian take-out that was great. Jed had a grant due today that he had hoped to be done writing by Thursday. He was still working on it today, but it is now submitted. So we celebrated the shed progress and the grant submission by ordering out instead of cooking dinner. When we got back to the boat we checked email and got one from Justin with not-so-good news about Ziggy. He fell on a rock yesterday and hit his head. He now has a number of staples in his head I’m hoping to talk to Justin and Jo shortly. I see that they are now on Skype, so I sent a message. I’m very anxious to hear the details of this mishap. These beautiful grandchildren of mine are going to have to stop falling and getting stitches. It makes me a crazy Oma.

110919 Day 330 Cape Cod,USA–Garden Shed Rafters & Siding