Day 314, Year 6: Family and Friends Visit Windbird
Date: Saturday, September 3, 2011
Weather: Partly Sunny and Windy
Location: Eel Pond, Woods Hole, Massachusetts

Our guests arrived today. Friends Kevin and Claire who had been visiting with family at Brewster here on the Cape arrived around noon and then my brother’s grandson Josh arrived a little later in the afternoon. Josh left New Hampshire in the morning and stopped in Boston to drop off a friend in Harvard Square. It was his first time to drive into Boston and we got a call from him around 1 o’clock saying he had gotten a bit lost but had finally found his way out of town and was on his way to Woods Hole. Once everyone arrived we had to decide what to do about parking. There is absolutely no overnight parking in this little town, so we drove all cars to Heather and Jed’s to leave them there until Monday morning. There was a lot of traffic heading into town, so once we got there, we decided to sit on Heather and Jed’s deck and visit for a bit and then pick Mark up at 5:00 at West Marine rather than drive back to Woods Hole and then back into town again to pick him up. So Heather and Jed, thank you for the hospitality even though you weren’t home. We enjoyed it!

We spent the evening on Windbird and due to the very windy weather, we might not go sailing to Martha’s Vineyard tomorrow. Mark has to work and everyone agrees that they would prefer to just hang out and relax rather than fight the winds to get to Martha’s Vineyard. So we will do a bit of walking and exploring here in Woods Hole and maybe go for an evening sail once Mark gets home. The important thing is that we are enjoying the weekend with good friends and family. We are so delighted that Josh was able to drive down to be with us and that Kevin and Claire are here.