Day 275, Year 6 Justin, Jo, and Ziggy Arrive Tomorrow
Date: Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Weather: Sunny Day, Rainy Evening, Temp Mid-70’s
Location: Eel Pond, Woods Hole, Massachusetts

Today was a busy one. Mark continued to work on cleaning and polishing the hull-still not done. We spent the first hour or so of the morning getting one water tank filled. We take our three jerry jugs to the dock in the dinghy, fill them up, bring them back, hoist them on deck, put them in the tanks, and go back for more. It might be easier to move the boat, but somehow we seem to enjoy this ritual. I went to Heather’s an hour early to start the laundry process. Heather and Jed have had company since last Friday, so I knew there would be lots of sheets and towels. Actually they had already done a couple of loads of towels, but with five little boys and multiple trips to the beach, there were still more towels to wash. I picked up the boys as usual and was so glad to see them after a three day absence. They both had long naps and I actually had to wake them at 4:15 as I knew they would never go to bed tonight if I didn’t. While they napped I was able to get things ready for the new company to arrive.

Justin, Jo, and Ziggy fly into Boston tomorrow from England for a four-day visit before flying home to New Mexico. Mark will pick them up and they should be back at Heather and Jed’s in time for dinner. I sure hope Heather, Jed, Sam, and Jonah get a good night’s sleep tonight and can regroup for another round of visiting. And we sure hope Mark can find JJ&Z at the airport in Boston tomorrow afternoon. We don’t think we gave Justin our new phone number and we’re not sure we have a valid cell number for him, so it could be interesting!