Day 272, Year 6 World’s Scariest Weather
Date: Saturday, July 23, 2011
Weather: Partly Sunny, Afternoon Storm, Foggy Evening
Location: Eel Pond, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
The disclaimer here is that when we were traveling in other parts of the world, we made sure we were there at the right time of the year to avoid the worst weather. That being said, twice in the past six weeks we have had storms here in the North Atlantic that rival anything we experienced anywhere else in the world. We had a stormy, squally night between Thailand and India that had us both a bit frightened because it lasted so long and was so intense, but then the storm we had coming here from the Carolinas was longer and even more intense. Believe it or not, this afternoon sitting here in a pond on a mooring, I was actually frightened more than anytime I have been at sea. It got so very dark and then the thunder and lightening started. It was the thunder that was so loud that really scared me. The good thing was that it passed quickly, but while it lasted, it was a tense time. The storm ended and it got bright and sunny for a time, then clouds reappeared. Before time for the sun to set, fog set in and then the fog cleared and we had red sails on the sunset. What fickle but interesting weather!
Mark worked today and I stayed home all day and worked on photos, writing emails, and cleaning the dinghy. It has been a bit neglected in the past few months, so I did my best to clean it up a bit. We desperately need to get a cover made for it as the Hypalon is starting to deteriorate. We don’t see dinghy covers here like the ones in the tropics, so we are going to have to search for photos for a model so we can get one made for us here. Some covers are made of Sunbrella, but we are most interested in the ones made of a type of vinyl. Our friends Ed and Lynn on Constance had a cover like this, so we will email them and see if they have a photo. Tomorrow is more of the same. Mark works at West Marine and I work at home. Heather and Jed have company this weekend, so we won’t see them again until Tuesday. I’m so used to seeing them everyday that I already miss them. But this gives me a chance to get ready for the arrival of Justin, Jo, and Ziggy on Wednesday. Then the fun really begins!