Day 263, Year 6 Off to Boston Tomorrow
Date: Thursday, July 14, 2011
Weather: Heavy Rain Overnight; Windy, Cool, Sunny Day
Location: Eel Pond, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
The temperature this morning was 61 degrees-almost freezing to our tropical-adjusted bodies. And it was windy, certainly windier than it has been since we have been in Eel Pond. But it was a beautiful day. Mark spent his early morning hours getting our new hot water heater situated under the galley cabinetry and then we went into Falmouth to do a few shopping chores. Mark needed hose for connecting the hot water heater so we went to West Marine where he got the hose and also got a bag of clams from a co-worker. Tonight Jed made a delicious Portuguese clam stew which was heartily enjoyed by all. Mark and I both went to pick up the kids at Summer Camp and then Mark continued running errands during the afternoon. In any spare moments I had, I did a little “get-ahead” cooking.
Tomorrow morning at 4 am we head to Boston in order to be at Mass General at 6 am. I’m sure the doctor won’t arrive that early, but there are all of the pre-op things that must be done. Because they are removing the stones in the bladder tomorrow, Mark has to be anesthetized. But the nurse that called yesterday with the 6 am appointment time said he should be out in time for lunch. Here’s hoping all goes well.