Day 228, Year 6 One Down, Two to Go
Date: Thursday, June 9, 2011
Weather: Sunny, Upper 80’s
Location: Lightkeepers Marina, Little River, South Carolina
This evening we made our first Voyage of Windbird (VOW) Around the World presentation to friends of my sister and brother-in-law. We had hoped to have time to take a look at the final selection of photos during the day, but that didn’t happen. So we went with what we had and people seemed to truly enjoy hearing about and seeing our adventures. Putting this presentation together allowed us to relive the last five and a half years in fast forward. What a trip! We have seen so many phenomenal things and met so many wonderful people. Saturday night we will make a very different presentation to the local Power Squadron, so tomorrow’s job will be, among other things, to get that together. So we have one presentation down, one on Saturday night, and then another on Tuesday night for the family. But that will be a repeat of tonight and should not require any additional work.
Much of today was spent baking goodies for tonight’s gathering, taking Mark to the doctor, and making a trip to Office Depot to get a handout printed. The doctor’s appointment was a scheduled appointment for Mark to learn how to do self-catheterization. He went, he learned, and for now he is bag-free. But while he was there, the doctor confirmed that he has a bladder infection. Mark was really dragging all day but tonight after the presentation, I felt his head and he was very hot. He taking the prescribed antibiotic and hopefully things will be better tomorrow. The trip to Office Depot was for naught. I guess we have forgotten how expensive it is to have color copies done in the this country. It would have cost over $150 to have the little pamphlet copied for tonight’s gathering and for Saturday night’s presentation. The pamphlet had little world maps showing the path of each year’s journey. Se we scratched that and bought a Styrofoam presentation board to which I attached a world map and laid out the route with thumb tacks. It worked and it cost less than $10.