Day 211, Year 6 Move from T Dock to S Dock
Date: Monday, May 23, 2011
Weather: Partly Sunny; 77 degrees F
Location: Lightkeepers Marina, Little River, South Carolina

Today was a Windbird work day. Mark and I went to the boat early and our friend Lee met us there. Mark and Lee worked on a list of boat maintenance jobs-pickled the watermaker, rewired the boat for 110 instead of 220 volt, bought and installed a new starter battery, measured the height of the mast to verify in case we need to head north through the inland waterway (the bridges are mostly fixed at 64 or 65 feet)-and we moved the boat from the end of the T dock to a slip on S dock. We wanted to make this move before leaving for Georgia on Wednesday so we could feel confident that Windbird is in a secure spot. Being on the end of T dock meant a lot of big boats came barreling by and turned in just behind us, sometimes seeming to be just a little too close. Now that we are in a slip we won’t have to worry about passing boats. I helped with some of the chores and then put my efforts into organizing a presentation about our voyage and getting the things packed that we will need for our trip to north Georgia.

Mark is working on getting an appointment set with a urologist at Mass General for the end of June. Thanks to our friend Dick Wicklund back on Cape Cod, we are making progress. We have the name of a physician and have started the appointment process by first registering with Mass General. We are hoping to have the appointment set by tomorrow. Then on Wednesday morning we will head to northern Georgia to spend a few days with Mark’s sister.