Day 212, Year 6 Mega Work Day
Date: Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Weather: Beautiful, Sunny Day; 88 degrees F
Location: Lightkeepers Marina, Little River, South Carolina
This was a mega work day. I worked on photos, made granola, baked bread, and did laundry. Mark uploaded photos, made doctor appointments at Mass General, went to Windbird to check on things and get a few more items for our trip to north Georgia, and went with Joe to pick up the van which had been taken in for an oil change. I then pulled up the pea plants, cultivated the garden, planted beans and kale (probably won’t grow because it will be too hot, but no harm in trying) because my sister read in the Farmer’s Almanac that today was the day for planting here unless we wanted to wait until the middle of June. And then we all ended the day with another fantastic dinner-grilled chicken breast in Italian marinade, grilled zucchini marinated in lime juice and olive oil, fresh corn on the cob, and salad. And of course, we had to end with the last of homemade ice cream over brownies and the last of the strawberries.
We have eaten Patsy and Joe out of house and home, so we will leave in the morning and see what we can do to deplete the food supply at Mark’s sister’s cabin in north Georgia. They have internet there, so I’m hoping to be able to continue to send logs. If there is not a log tomorrow night, however–no panic. There might just be delay in getting things going once we arrive. It is a seven to eight hour drive from here to there and we expect to arrive in late afternoon after our 400 mile “passage.”