Day 157, Year 6 Bequia to the Pitons
Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Weather: Squalls AM, Partly Sunny PM; Wind ESE 15-20 knots
Latitude: 13 51.388 N
Longitude: 061 04.044 W
Location: Rachette Point, Soufriere, St. Lucia
We left Bequia at 0615 just before sunrise this morning and our “interesting” day began almost immediately. First we had squalls off St. Vincent and then when we cleared the north end of the island, we got hit by big seas (4 meters or 12 feet) bashing us on the beam. We had green water running over the side deck and even up and over the top of the dodger a couple of times. Then we turned toward St. Lucia and had 20-25 knots of wind of the nose. So we had a little of everything today. It was not the most comfortable sailing day, but we made the 55 miles in less than ten hours and got here in time to jump in the water for a little snorkel. Unfortunately the water was cloudy but we saw fantastic sea fans, beautiful little damselfish often called “Jewelfish” because of their iridescent blue gem-like dots, surgeonfish, red coral, yellow sponges, a new fish to us, the Foureye Butterflyfish (Chaetodon capistratus).
As we neared the southern end of St. Lucia this afternoon, the conical shaped Pitons rose up in front of us. They are just the most amazing volcanic cones and anchoring here is all about sitting under these giants. Tomorrow morning we move on to Martinique and from there on to Dominica. We are just hoping that as we sail away from the Windward Islands in the morning and head to the Leewards, we will no longer be bashing into headwinds.