Day 149, Year 6 Getting Ready for Take-off
Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Weather: Totally Overcast with Rain; Wind E 15-20 knots
Location: Prickly Bay, Grenada
We are having some yucky weather, overcast with rain that just doesn’t end, but hopefully it will run its course and we will once again have blue skies and sunshine. In the meantime, we spent the day scurrying about getting ready to leave here. Mark and Steve did all of the scurrying while I stayed on the boat and worked on getting photos edited and ready to post. The day started with Mark and Steve heading to shore to go to the Blue Machine (ATM) to get enough money to pay Johnny Sails for our staysail and headsail repairs. They got the money and then walked back to Johnny Sails. Johnny then drove them back to Spice Island Marine with the sails. Once back on Windbird, Mark and Steve put on both sails and then headed back to shore to get our jerry cans filled with water. Back on Windbird we ate lunch, and then they headed back to shore to do the grocery shopping. Again, I stayed behind to work on photo editing and to do the prep work for dinner. When the guys returned, it was time to raise the dinghy motor, put the dinghy on the foredeck, and check the tie downs on everything. Once all that was done, we were ready for take-off in the morning. As I write this, we are still debating whether we will head north around the west side or the east side of Grenada and whether we will go a short distance tomorrow or try to make it all the way to Carriacou with a snorkeling stop on the way. Much will depend on the weather. But one way or another, we will be somewhere else by this time tomorrow night. Stay tuned for an update.