Day 107, Year 6 Atlantic Passage, Day 4
Date: Tuesday, February 8, 2011 (1730 UTC)
Weather: Totally Overcast; Squalls; Winds SSE/SE 15-20
Temperature: Water 75 degrees F; Air 73-78 degrees F
Latitude: 12 27.288 S
Longitude: 011 51.288 W
Miles Traveled: 427.6
Miles to Go: 3369
Location: Passage from St. Helena to Caribbean (Grenada)

I just looked at yesterday’s log and realized that I reversed the miles traveled and miles to go. Wishful thinking! Not much to report from out here as nothing has changed. We really don’t know where those sunny blue skies have gone, but they are certainly not here. Once every couple of hours we will see a tiny patch of blue here and there, but then it goes away and the total cloud cover returns. We have had drizzle off and on all day today with the little squalls that pass. But we continue to have wind and that is good. The boats trying to reach St. Helena are still struggling with no wind. Bahati has used a great deal of diesel and will arrive today, being the first of the second wave to arrive. We heard from Larry and Mary Anne of Traversay III saying they left St. Helena yesterday at 11 am, so they are two days behind us

Today was a shower/laundry day. I had hoped for some sunshine to help dry the clothes, but since that didn’t happen we have wet clothes hanging all over the place. As soon as I hang them out on the boom crutch bar behind the cockpit, the drizzle comes and I have to bring them in. I’m spending a good deal of time researching the Caribbean and Mark is now reading Atlantic. So that’s it from the Atlantic today. Maybe the sunshine and the fish will come tomorrow.