Day 79, Year 5: Two More Days
Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Weather: Rain Overnight; Mostly Sunny Day; ESE Wind 10-20
Latitude: 07 degrees 53.462 minutes N
Longitude: 098 degrees 17.080 minutes E
Location: Patong Beach, Phuket Island, Thailand
Here we are back in Patong Beach. We got here just after noon and spent our afternoon walking to the shopping center, the Carrefour supermarket, and the local wet market. Ed and Lynne of Constance went in with us. We bought 90 eggs and lots of fresh veggies at the wet market, and then went back to Carrefour to take advantage of some of their sales that made the purchases even cheaper. They had carrots on special and four pounds cost only 33 Baht. That is the equivalent of $1 US. So carrots were the buy of the day. But the eggs were a pretty good deal as well, maybe even better. We paid 315 Baht for 90 eggs in plastic instead of cardboard crates. The plastic crates cost a little more, but not much. We paid about $10 US for the whole lot, so that was not bad deal either. We then learned that we can go to the cinema here and see the movie Avitar in English any afternoon at 3:30. The last movie Mark and I have seen was in December of 2008, so we might do that tomorrow or on Friday as a treat. And speaking of treats, Ed, Mark, and I indulged in a Dairy Queen chocolate-dipped cone today. Sometimes you just have to enjoy the ‘finer’ foods in life.
We invited Ed and Lynne over for sundowners and had a great time learning more about each other’s lives. We are both anxious to leave, but when we hear the reports from those out there that have absolutely no wind, we think waiting a few extra days was not a bad decision. Even Wild Card has had to turn on the engine and they don’t carry much fuel. As of this morning Shirena had 190 miles to go to Uligan in the northern Maldives and only 150 miles worth of fuel, so they are going to have to get creative. According to our reports, we think the wind will pick up on Friday or Saturday, so eventually they will all be blown into the Maldives and hopefully we will have a good start to the first leg of our Indian Ocean crossing. It is Wednesday night here, so we have Thursday and Friday to shop and then we will leave early on Saturday morning if the weather reports stay the same. We’re getting anxious.
100113 Day 79 Thailand–Provisioning for the Indian Ocean |