Day 187, Year 5: Another Yellowfin Tuna
Date: Saturday, May 1, 2010
Weather: Partly Sunny, Windy Day with Sprinkles Here and There
Location: Ile Fouquet, Salomon Atoll, Chagos

Mark finally was the fisherman of the day. He, Ed, and Jeff went out and came back with one Yellowfin tuna that Mark caught. I think they all caught Bonitos that they threw back and they were hoping for a Wahoo, but no Wahoo today. While Mark was gone, I did a laundry, baked bread, washed the cockpit seat cushion covers, and sanded and varnished the cockpit cap rail. This is the wood that sits on top of the coaming that surrounds the cockpit. I guess it is a bit like the top railing around a porch. Tomorrow when I sand and put coat #2 on the cap rail, I will do a first coat on the wood around the main hatch and the table in the cockpit. That is, I will do that if the weather allows. It looked a little like rain all day today and as the sun set, the really dark clouds rolled in. So we shall see what tomorrow brings. This afternoon, Mark taped off the additional pieces that will be varnished tomorrow and he and Ed went to shore to burn garbage. I finally finished the Madagascar anchorages spreadsheet, so now we know where we will and will not go on the northwest coast. The next research job will be reading the Lonely Planet, but that can wait for a couple of weeks.

At sunset, Mark and I took the dinghy up into the pass between Fouquet and Takamaka and floated our way back out into the anchorage. We were hoping to see rays, but I think the water is too choppy right now with all the wind and the rays are hiding. At least a couple of boats left here today headed for Mauritius and there are a few more waiting in the wings. The weather is a bit unsettled here, but hopefully it is better a little south of here. Tonight, we are going to watch some of the Blue Planet series that we got from Jeff and Kathy on Mirage. They gave it to us when we were in Peros, but we never got around to watching it. Last night, Jeff really encouraged us to watch the series while we are here, so we’re going to give it a go. I’ll report on that in tomorrow night’s log.

100501 Day 187 Salomon, Chagos–Mark's Yellowfin Tuna Catch