Day 173, Year 5: Back to Ile Fouquet
Date: Saturday, April 17, 2010
Weather: Beautiful, Sunny Day
Location: Ile Fouquet, Peros Banhos Atoll, Chagos
Latitude: 05 degrees 27.473 minutes S
Longitude: 071 degrees 48.813 minutes E
One week ago today we left Ile Fouquet and went back to Ile du Coin. Today we made the return trip to Ile Fouquet. We rocked and rolled in the anchorage at Ile du Coin all last night and decided we didn’t want to spend another night like that. So off we went and from then on it was one of those days when things just didn’t go the way expected. We made an extra effort to catch fish as we moved from one island to the other. But no fish. We were going to go out of the pass to fish, but when we got there it was rough and there were oodles of dolphins. I hate dragging a fishing line with the dolphins are around, so we reeled in the lines and decided to forget fishing, enjoy the dolphins, and go on in to the anchorage. Once at anchor, I opened the spice drawer to get something out and discovered that a package of cumin seeds I bought in Gan was riddled with little bugs. And naturally, some of these little critters had escaped the bag and were all over the other spice containers. I spent the next hour cleaning up that mess. Then I started working on photos on my computer. I needed to get out the main back-up hard drive that has all of the photos from the past five years. I just wanted to get one folder, but I found that the organization of the photos for the past couple of years needed some serious rearranging and that took most of the rest of the afternoon. I guess it was a productive day, but it was not spent doing anything planned. So much for plans.
We did have a lovely dinner on Constance. Lynne caught a Jobfish on the way here today and we had that for dinner. It was delicious. Tomorrow looks like a snorkeling morning and maybe a fishing afternoon. Hopefully it won’t be another day fixing unexpected problems.
Don’t call them unexpected problems. Call them adventures and you will just sail your way right thru them…..