Day 172, Year 4 Mission Impossible
Date: Sunday, April 12, 2009
Weather: Beautiful Day; Rain Late in the Evening
Location: Rebak Marina, Langkawi, Malaysia
We had an early morning motor to Rebak and launched into a flurry of activity. First we lowered the headsail, the only sail we have been carrying from Phuket, and took it up to the platform area to fold. Then then lowered the anchor to the dock and then got the anchor chain out of the chain locker and laid it out on the dock to be washed down along with the extra anchor rope we have in the chain locker. Next we washed down the boat to get the salt water off. It was way past lunch time when we
finished these chores, and then after lunch I cleaned the dinghy and sprayed it with UV protectorant. Mark sprayed down the anchor chain and the rope. It doesn’t sound like much, but each of these little jobs takes a lot of time. It was late afternoon before we got the dinghy hoisted up onto the cabin top and by early evening, it was time to put the anchor chain back in the locker. It was late and we were tired and Mark made the decision to hoist the anchor from the dock to the deck without me
on the dock to guide the anchor. I was in the chain locker flaking chain not aware of his decision when I head a thud and knew the anchor had hit the bow of the boat. Sure enough, we have a lovely gouge right on the bow just below the new stainless bow protector. I probably don’t have to tell you how upset this made both of us. Not sure what we will do about, but a good night’s sleep will probably improve our thinking.
The wonderful surprise of the day was an unplanned Skype call from Heather while we were at the the Hard Dock Cafe eating dinner. I had the computer with me to send Easter cards to Sam and Ziggy and while sending the cards, Heather called. We got to see Sam get the goodies out of his Easter bucket. We also got to see Jed’s parents who are visiting over the holiday weekend. What a special treat from so far away. And we even got to watch Sam as Heather checked her email and opened the card we
had sent to Sam. It is unbelievable that within ten minutes, I could send an e-card and then actually watch my grandson open it and took Skype photos of him doing this. Sam smiled and when the song accompanying the card ended, he signed for more. The internet is really unbelievable.
Tomorrow morning we hope to have another Skype call with Justin and Jo on their Easter Sunday evening. They should be home and it will be great to see Ziggy again and get an Easter photo of him. I’ll have to post the grandson pics with tomorrow night’s log.
In the meantime, we still have soooooooooo much to do. The inside of the boat has become a disaster area and it is now time to straighten that, cover the boat, and pack. I know we will make it, but right now it seems almost impossible.