Day 168, Year 4 Is No News Really Good News?
Date: Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Weather: Sunny Day; Winds E 15; Rain in Late PM
Latitude: 07 degrees 12.944 minutes N
Longitude: 099 degrees 03.728 minutes E
Location: Anchored Between Ko Rok Nai and Ko Rok Nok, Thailand
We have heard nothing Justin or from Heather since late yesterday, so I’m afraid I have no update on what is happening in New Mexico. We have always heard that no news is good news, but we really don’t feel that way right now. We can’t wait to hear something soon. We have changed our sailing plan for tomorrow to take us to Ko Lipe. This is an island in the Butang Group where there are lots of little tourist backpackers. I’m sure that means there is internet and cell phone capacity there, so at least we can make a call by late tomorrow afternoon to see what is happening. We are obviously anxious but there’s not much we can do from here. I’ll post a log as soon as I hear anything.
We spend our sailing days continuing to organize the bits and pieces left over from the refit. We have hundreds of screws, bolts, nuts, washers, and miscellaneous parts that need to be stowed away. Tomorrow I hope to get much of the cleaning of the inside of the boat done. Ceilings, walls, cabinet doors, and floors should be washed and wiped down with vinegar to prevent mold and mildew while we are gone. So that’s tomorrow’s job.
The great thing about today is that we were able to use the headsail to assist our motoring south. If we had the mainsail up, it would have been a great sailing day, but we were happy with motor sailing. It is wonderful to be back in the water and traveling through the beautiful islands of Thailand. We had Gerry and Donna of Scot Free II over for dinner tonight and we saw Judy and David of Freebird when we arrived. It is also wonderful to be back out here with our cruising friends.