Day 118, Year 4: Back to Normal
Date: Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Weather: Sunny and Beautiful
Location: Boat Lagoon Marina, Phuket Island

After yesterday’s frenetic pace, today seemed a little more normal. Of course, there’s not a whole lot that is normal about our lives anyway. Boat work is progressing nicely. Most of the primer put on Sunday is coming off in the sanding process, as it should be. The arch is almost ready to go to the shop to do the final welding. We made our down payment on the canvas work that will be done once the boat is mostly back together. I went food shopping while Mark went to the hospital to get his “all clear” report on the infection he has had for about six weeks now. Hurray! I did laundry, catalogued half of the hardware taken off the cabin top and mast, put the last of cleaned and dried lines away, and with what little time was left in the afternoon, I continued to work on editing and naming photos for the web. I finished and Mark uploaded to the website all photo folders that weren’t already on the site from our time in Thailand and the few days from Bali that weren’t done earlier. Now I’m working my way back through Malaysia to Singapore. Slow, slow process.

I’m hoping most of the on-site stainless work will be finished tomorrow morning so the paint crew can start standing the cabin top. Windbird should be ready for another coat of primer on Thursday and we sure don’t want to slow that process down. On Friday of this week our two-month Thai Visa needs to be extended, so we will have to head to Phuket Town to do that. We like to be here on paint days to watch over the process, so hopefully the timing will work out and painting will be done on Thursday.
We still haven’t made our plane reservations for coming to the US in April, so maybe that will be tonight’s job.

090217 Day 118 Boat Lagoon, Phuket, Thailand–Preparing for Second Primer Coat
090217 Day 118 Boat Lagoon, Phuket, Thailand–Work Begins on New Stainless Arch and Handrails