US Land Logs 12, Year 4: Newport Boat Show
Date: Friday, September 18, 2009
Weather: Rainy, Then Overcast & Cool in New Port
Location: Newport, Rhode Island
We just couldn’t resist making a trip to the Newport Boat Show. Newport is less than a two hour drive, so off we all went. It was raining cats and dogs on the way over, but leveled off to just an overcast day with just a few sprinkles here and there. We had planned to meet our friends Alan and Helaine Kangesberg there and have either lunch or dinner together. We stayed in touch by cell phone and finally decided to see the show and then relax over dinner.
The show wasn’t as big as ones we have attended in the past, probably due to the lagging economy, but we got enjoyed just being close to that many boats. Sam got a real kick out of being able to get on and off the boats and Mark really enjoyed seeing all the goodies. One of our reasons for going to Newport, however, was not just to see the boat show, but to go to the Armchair Bookstore to look at the cruising guides for the Red Sea, Turkey, Greece, and Croatia. Now that we have decided on that route, we need to buy the books. But they are soooo expensive. We just wanted to see them first to make sure they are worth the purchase.
Heather, Jed, and Sam met us near the bookstore and we stopped to have a little snack while Sam had a nap. This gave us all the energy needed to go back to the show and make the purchases we had decided on–a remote control for the auto pilot, fuel filters, super clothes pins for stainless rails. That was about it. Then we met Alan and Helaine and made our way back to the parking area and then on to a great seafood restaurant on the water at the edge of town. Both Jonah and Sam behaved beautifully, but on Jonah’s part that was partly due to Helaine’s attention. She held him and walked with him and he loved it. Thank you, Helaine.
090918 Cape Cod–Newport Boat Show |