Year 3: Cutting It Close
Date: Friday, May 9, 2008
Weather: Threat of Rain; Cool Nights
Location: Bundaberg, Australia

Today was a day of anticipation that turned into frustration but then ended on a much more positive note. Our sails that were in for repair should have been returned to us yesterday, no later than this morning. So we waited and waited, and then we waited some more. We tried to call but got no answer time after time. Finally in the early afternoon, Keith and Patty, the Australian couple we met aboard Scot Free II on Wednesday night, loaned us their car so that Mark could run into town and try
to track down our sails. He was assured that they would be here no later than 3:30, but at 5:00 they still were not here. The sun sets here at 5:30, so we figured that even if they came there would be no way to get them put up tonight. But just after 5:00 they did arrive, and with the help of Gerry from Scot Free II and two Australian cruisers we met at lunch today, the sails were miraculously installed in less than an hour. We have a few things to do in the morning, but we will be ready to leave
by 8 AM.

Our first destination is Great Keppel Island. We will do an overnight passage and arrive in early afternoon on Sunday. Mark and I are both exhausted tonight. We have only been back here for five days and we have had much to do to get Windbird ready to sail into her third world cruising season. We are hoping that life will slow down a little once we get away from the dock tomorrow. We’ll see how that goes.