Day 117, Year 3: Overnight Passage to Sumbawa
Date: Hari Rabu (Wednesday), Bulan Sèptèmber 3, Pada Tahan 2008
Weather: Another Beautiful Day
Location: Passage from Komodo Island to Northwest Sumbawa
We are motor sailing westward. We are underway but unsure of where we are headed. Depending on wind and currents, we might end up on the coast of Sumbawa at a village named Kananga tomorrow morning, or we might go a bit further and end up on the offshore island of Medang or even further and end up in the pass between Sumbawa and Lombok at Gili Lawang. So we are going where the winds and the currents take us. What a life!
I am the wildlife lover on this boat. Not that Mark doesn’t enjoy it, but for him it is more about people. However, when I just asked him what his most vivid memory is of our travels in Indonesia so far, he instantly said snorkeling on the bommie in Uwada Dasami on southern Rinca Island in the Komodos. Yea! I think I have a convert. We have just seen so many incredible things in our three years of cruising that it is totally overwhelming. The Komodos were wonderful, but still not quite up there
with the Galapogos. The Komodos had much better snorkeling than any place we have been in terms of coral and fish, but the Galapagos had snorkeling with seals and penguins and that is hard to beat.
The sun is setting as we now head west across the top of Sumbawa. We can see the outline of a mountainous coast but by tomorrow morning we will be near Rinjani, a huge volcano on Lombok. So there will be more beauty. But we may never pass this way again so I am soaking in the view of mountains and sunset.
You are starting to sound like Aussies. I had to look up “bommie” to see what the heck you were talking about. 🙂 Sounds like you are having a wonderful time seeing the islands of Indonesia. Happy sailing!