Day 104, Year 3: Sea World Anchorage to Mausambi Bay
Date: Hari Kamis (Thursday), Bulan Agustus 21, Pada Tahan 2008
Weather: More Flores Sunshine; Good Wind for Sailing
Location: Mausambi Bay, Flores Island, Nusa Tengarra Province, Indonesia
We had a delightful sail from the Sea World anchorage to here today. We actually had 20 to 25 knot winds for much of the day, sometimes off the beam and sometimes from behind us. The one thing we have learned about sailing in Indonesia is that the wind never comes from the same direction for long and it is impossible to predict how much wind you will have. But when you get it, you take advantage of it. So we went further than we had planned today and find ourselves anchored in the bay where the
next rally event will begin on Sunday. We will be on our way tomorrow and are glad we decided to skip this event. The bay has a swell and you rock and roll, albeit gently, all the time. It’s not terrible, but not our favorite kind of anchorage. Tomorrow we will head to Riung and it is possible that we will spend two days there, one in one anchorage and one in the other. But first we will have to see where the winds blow us.
Today we got an email from our friends Alan and Helaine Kanegsberg from Concord, New Hampshire. They keep their boat in Maine and evidently they have had a foggy summer. Alan asked if you still call evening cocktails “sundowners” if you cannot see the other boats in your anchorage (due to fog). I replied that if you cannot see the other boats in your anchorage, you are definitely sailing in the wrong part of the world. Come to Indonesia!
080821 Day 104 Flores, Indonesia–Sea World to Mausambi Bay |