NZ Land Logs 3, Year 2: Back to Normal
Date: Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Weather in Whangarei: Overcast with Some Rain, 70 degrees Fahrenheit
Location: Whangarei, New Zealand

After being away from Windbird for two months, today was our day to get things in order. Actually, Windbird did just fine in our absence so there was not much to do in that respect. We unpacked our bags yesterday, but spent most of today putting things away and beginning to pack for our road trip around New Zealand. That meant doing laundry and making decisions on what will go with us on our trip. Some of the places where we will be staying will have kitchens, so I am packing food and some cooking essentials. We also have to take extra sheets, blankets, and towels. We talked with the Kanegsbergs briefly via Skype to discuss last minute plans, but our internet connection did not want to cooperate and the conversation was cut short. We completed our “discussions” via email.

There’s not much else to report today. Just another day in the life. Tomorrow we will continue to prepare for our road trip. I’ve not made any progress on getting pictures from the past three months posted on the website and I’m beginning to think that might not get done until we return from the road trip. As I’m sure you know from first hand experience, there is just never enough time in the day to do all that we want to do.