Day 201, Year 2: No Turtles Today
Date: Sunday, November 11, 2007
Weather: Windy Day; Sprinkles in the Evening
Location: Bundaberg Port Marina, Australia
After our explore last night, we were sure we were going to see turtles tonight, but a call to Donna and Gerry on Scot Free II changed that. They had talked to people at the Tourist Information Center in town and found out that there is only one turtle on the beach that has already laid her eggs. Another turtle came in, but went back out to sea. Gerry and Donna were told that the best time to see the turtles is when there is a full moon. That is not until the 24th, so we will wait until later
in the month.
We spent another day chipping away at the “To Do” list. Mark got all of the lines down and stored, so Windbird looks naked. She has no sails or lines, and right now, no dodger or bimini. I worked on cleaning out cabinets, starting with our aft head, and cataloging what we have. That is an on-going job that will continue over the next week. We are working on giving our aft head a “face-lift”, so wooden cabinet doors in the shower were taken out today and sanded. They are in dire need of some
varnish, so that will happen tomorrow. I sanded and varnished the cap rail in the cockpit again today, but about an hour after I finished, we had a dark cloud float by and dump some sprinkles on the wet varnish. We’ll have to see how much damage was done once the water dries and the varnish hardens. I also started my galley cleaning today. I soaked all of our pots and pans in an ammonia solution which loosens any and all dirt and grime, so now we have shiny stainless steel cookware once again.
Even the bottoms of the pots shine!
Tomorrow I will finish updating the spreadsheet of what we have in all of our cabinets, add things to the “To Buy” list that we need, and spend a day in town this week seeing what can be purchased here. If we can’t get want we need here, we will have to buy in the US and bring things back with us. Things like Spray and Wash and Clorox CLean-Up or any suitable substitute just aren’t available in this part of the world, so they have to be brought back with us. I’ve been searching for artichoke hearts
and haven’t found those here, so they might have to be brought back from the states as well. Can’t sail without artichokes!