Day 142, Year 2: Vanuatu Photos Are Posted
Date: Thursday, September 13, 2007
Weather: Sunny Morning; Rainy Afternoon
Location: Port Vila, Efate
Today was a work day. Laundry was on the line by 8:30 AM. About that time, Max from the German yacht Safina come over to see if the “rumor” he heard we had been spreading was true. We had been sited as the source of information about the new law in Indonesia that is resulting in exhorbitant entry fees for yachts. He was absolutely sure we couldn’t be right about that, but I pulled up the article we had downloaded just yesterday explaining the new law and the confusion it is causing. As he so
readily stated, this is an insane law and it means that no cruisers can go that way. But until this gets sorted out, we all have to make alternate plans. As soon as Max left, we were on our way to Cafe Connect to upload more photos and do a little internet research. I downloaded information on all the countries we might be visiting next season while Mark started the photo uploading process. The photo uploading continued throughout the day with one of us baby sitting the computer while the other
ran errands. I tramped about town in the afternoon pouring rain looking for computer printer ink, taking Mark’s glasses in to be repaired, looking for R134a refrigerant gas, and looking for a replacement for our spreader light bulb. We’re still looking for a spreader light bulb replacement, but we were successful on the other counts. We can now have fun tomorrow visiting the Vanuatu Museum. There is still a great deal of boat maintenance to be done before we can leave here, but we will fit that
in between other activities.
The great news of the day is that all of our Vanuatu photos are posted on the website. If you want to view those, you go to a travel log and double click on the picture at the end of the post. If there are underwater photos, they are in a second folder at the end of post. We’ve done the best we could to accurately name the fish in the underwater photos, but we have limited resources aboard and know that we are not on target with all of our captions. If you have corrections, we’d love to hear
from you. There are SO many variations of every fish depending on sex and stage of development. Snorkeling with an underwater camera and then naming the photos could become a full time job!
Tonight we went to Le Rendez Vous, our favorite restaurant from our first visit to Vila. Thursday night is Sri Lankan curry night. It was very good, but I know that I ate way too much. I’m going to need to do a lot of running around town tomorrow to work it off.