Day 130, Year 2: Taking the Day Off
Date: Saturday, September 1, 2007
Weather: Rain and More Rain . . . No Sunshine
Location: Banam Bay, Malekula, Vanuatu
I can’t believe it is already September. I also can’t believe it is still raining. But it is. We are trying to make the best of this dreary time by catching up on photo naming and backing up photo albums on CD. That was our day except for an hour and a half snorkel in the afternoon. You can still snorkel in the rain and we once again enjoyed the underwater world here in Banam Bay. We think we will go out again tomorrow. The weather doesn’t show a break until Wednesday, but we are still hopeful
that we can move north on Monday. But we will still be here tomorrow and enjoy what we can.
Tonight we actually watched a movie – a real rarity on Windbird! We watched The Fellowship of the Ring and enjoyed it tremendously. I can’t quote it exactly, but Gandolf’s words of wisdom were something to the effect that you don’t have the power over how long you live but you do have the power of how you spend the time you are given. Powerful thought!
070901 Day 130 Malekula, Vanuatu–Banam Bay Underwater, Day 2 |