Day 374, Year 10: Shambala Arrives in Quissett & Mark Has Last ‘R’ Treatment
Date: Monday, October 19, 2015
Weather: Sunny and Cold, High and Low in the 40’s F
Location: Quissett Harbor, Falmouth, MA
We had double celebrations today. When we got up this morning and Mark went out into the cockpit to look around, he yelled down to me that Shambala was on the mooring right next to us. She definitely was not there when we got home last night, so we figured she arrived early in the morning. About that time, Geoff came out into the cockpit and he and Mark yelled hellos across to each other. Geoff and Chris on Shambala are our Australian cruising friends that left here in July headed for Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. We knew they were trying to get back here to see us before we head south, but the weather was keeping them in Round Pond in Maine. Yesterday the north winds started blowing and they took off, making a very fast trip from there to here and surprising us with their arrival. We could only say brief hellos this morning as we were headed to Boston, but it was great to see them for even a short time.
We headed to Boston and made a stop on the way to visit Costco. This was an expensive stop as I was stocking up on many things for the entire winter. So after spending $350, we traveled on to Boston. Mark had had last treatments, one general and one specific liver cancer radiation, and then rang the bell signaling the end of his radiation treatments—definitely a time to celebrate. We then headed home. We ended up having dinner on Shambala, spending time talking about where to from here and hearing a bit about Chris and Geoff’s explorations in Newfoundland. We look forward to hearing more about their travels tomorrow. When they leave here they are headed to New York to sail up the Hudson to visit with our mutual friends, Ed and Lynne Kirwin. We would love to incorporate a side trip up the Hudson on our way south, but we’re not sure we have enough time to do it. But we are putting that on the table for consideration. By Wednesday of this week, we hope we have a good enough handle on the weather to make a final decision. As of tonight, however, it looks like we will leave here on Monday and head straight for Norfolk. As always, the weather will determine our course.
151019 Day 374 Cape Cod, USA–Shambala Arrives in Quissett Harbor |