Day 255, Year 10: Beach Morning; Granola-making Afternoon
Date: Monday, June 22, 2015
Weather: Mostly Sunny, Temp in the Upper 70’s F
Location: Quissett Harbor, Falmouth, MA

It finally felt like summer today, so I guess the advent of summer solstice yesterday made its impression. And today was the first official day of Camp Oma for Ollie as his school ended on Friday. I had planned to take him to the library this morning, but he didn’t want anything to do with that idea. Going to the beach much more suited his mood. Granddad had to go for labs in North Falmouth at 11 am, so Ollie and I had Granddad drop us off at the beach near the hematology lab and we played until Mark returned. We collected jingle shells and slipper shells and played with the snails. We found only one periwinkle, but loads of whelks and lots of Codium fragile which is an invasive sea weed commonly called green sea fingers. It is also called sponge seaweed, green sponge, and green fleece. These names do a good job of describing this spongy feeling of the many fingers of this seaweed and Ollie loved collecting it. Once Granddad returned, he took Ollie over to the dock to watch the launch of a small motorboat on the boat ramp. It took the two men launching the boat forever to figure out how to release the boat from the trailer, but that was fine with Ollie as it gave him more time to watch. I think he could have watched all afternoon. I had packed a picnic lunch for him, so we sat on the rocks near the boat ramp to eat and watch boats in Megansett Harbor.

150622 Day 255 Cape Cod, USA–Beach Day with Ollie

Ollie fell asleep on the way home from the beach, so while he napped, Mark and I made granola. I made enough last December to last until now, but it was definitely time to make a batch of this staple in our diet. And this is a very special batch as I used honey from Heather’s hives. Yummy!