Day 246, Year 10: Day Trip to Nantucket
Date: Saturday, June 13, 2015
Weather: Partly Sunny and Windy
Location: Quissett Harbor, Falmouth, MA

What a great day! We left early this morning for our day trip to Nantucket via fast ferry. We drove to Heather and Jed’s and then went with them to Hyannis where we caught the 9:10 am ferry. The main purpose of the trip was to go to Sam’s soccer game. Jed is one of the coaches on the team and one of Sam’s best friend’s dad, Tim, is the other. When we got to Hyannis, the boys on the team were gathering and it was quite obvious how excited they were to be going to Nantucket to play a game. It is about 30 miles from Hyannis to Nantucket Harbor and it takes about an hour on the fast ferry. The temperature in Nantucket was 86 degrees F yesterday and only 68 degrees today. But the sun was shining and it felt warm when we arrived. Parents of the Nantucket team met us at the ferry terminal and drove us to the playing field. Our team lost, but they played hard and had a great time. On arrival we found out that the Nantucket team practices two times a week versus the Falmouth one time. And the Nantucket kids were tall. They grow them big out on that island! After the game, we were driven back to the center of town where we had lunch and started our afternoon explore. There really wasn’t enough time before the return ferry to do justice to a whaling museum visit, so we decided to go to the park by Children’s Beach and just let the boys run and play. We had the mandatory ice cream before boarding the return ferry and with a 4:35 pm return time, we had plenty of room on the ferry to sit back and relax. The boys were basically fried by the time we got back to Hyannis, so instead of dinner out, Heather ordered Thai food that we picked up on the way home. I always enjoy visits to Nantucket and they are always too short. This was no exception.

150613 Day 246 Cape Cod, USA–Trip to Nantucket