Day 242, Year 10: Our Day with the Stuarts
Date: Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Weather: Overcast with a Threat of Rain, Very Windy
Location: Quissett Harbor, Falmouth, MA

Touring in Woods Hole, stopping for an osprey photo shoot, and having dinner at Heather and Jed’s were the activities that filled our day with the Stuarts. After a leisurely breakfast, we all drove to Woods Hole together so we could orient Mike, Linda, and Garrett. Then Mark and I left for doctor appointments while they toured Woods Hole and met up with Jed for a tour of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. When we got back together we headed to Heather and Jed’s. On the way we stopped for an osprey photo shoot and then traveled on. Mike and Linda bought the dinner supplies and Linda and I worked together to make two summer salads and brownies for dessert. When Jed got home from work, he pitched in and grilled the pork loins. Garrett, Mike, and Mark did their part by playing with the boys in the backyard. It was a fun evening.

150609 Day 242 Cape Cod, USA–Osprey and Dinner at H & J's