Day 236, Year 10: We Can See Clearly Now
Date: Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Weather: Partly Sunny, High Temp in the Low 60’s F
Location: Quissett Harbor, Falmouth, MA

Mark and I spent our morning hanging out with the eye doctor and we can see clearly now! This was just an annual check-up and nothing much has changed. So this is good.

We spent our afternoon hanging out with our grandchildren. This was much more fun than hanging out with the eye doctor. But the reason we were with Sam, Jonah, and Ollie was to take them to their annual dentist appointments. We just can’t seem to get away from doctors. We picked Ollie up from school in Woods Hole at 1 am and he napped while we then drove back to East Falmouth to pick Sam and Jonah up from school at 2 pm. Then we drove back to Woods Hole and met Jed at the dentist’s office. Herding three boys through dental check-ups and cleanings is definitely a two or three man job, and since Heather was in Boston all day today, we were glad to help with the herding. Mark and I then took the boys to the park to play and then on home while Jed went back to work. When Jed got home, we worked together to get dinner ready and we had a delightful dinner together. It was still light when Mark and I got back to Quissett Harbor, but it wasn’t warm. We are using the propane heater again tonight to keep us toasty. I think this is one of those years when summer is not going to come to New England until July.