Day 200, Year 10: Cleaning and Packing
Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Weather: Mostly Sunny, NE to NW Wind, High Temp Upper 60’s F
Location: Lightkeepers Marina, Little River, SC
It was another day of cleaning and packing. Mark and I worked together to get the dinghy down from our foredeck to the dock to do a major cleaning job. This dinghy is a very light gray, almost white, and it was looking pretty grungy. So I scrubbed and scrubbed with Inflatable Boat Cleaner and then topped it off with UV Protectorant. It won’t take long for it to get dirty again, but at least we can start the summer season with it looking like new. And yes, I do know it is not yet summer, but there’s no such thing as spring boating season. Thus, I proclaim the summer boating season has begun . . . even if I do have to wear polar fleece and keep a propane heater running to keep from freezing as we sail northward.
The dinghy cleaning took all morning and then we headed to Patsy and Joe’s. I started attacking the garage today and will continue tomorrow afternoon. Patsy and I got her good China and her Christmas dishes packed up, so progress is being made. The movers will pack most everything, but some things are being packed for long term storage and Patsy wanted to do those things in special boxes. We’re still trying to figure out just the best way to deal with the garage, and that will be tomorrow’s project. But first, I will be taking Patsy to the eye doctor early and then shopping at Costco on the way home. So go the days.