Day 196, Year 10: Allergies Win
Date: Friday, April 24, 2015
Weather: Sunny, but Cooler; Winds from the North
Location: Lightkeepers Marina, Little River, SC

Allergies win. I woke up this morning with no sign of a cold, so I’m assuming my instant cold was really an allergic reaction—maybe I’m allergic to work! So today we took the day off and didn’t do much of anything. When Mark installed the new gear-shift cable, he pulled something in this shoulder that has been excruciatingly painful. At my insistence, he went to a chiropractor this morning to see if the pain might be coming from a pinched nerve in his neck, but the chiropractor thinks he probably tried to dislocate his shoulder and was just not quite successful. So it’s probably not a dislocated shoulder, but ‘almost’. The chiropractor did some massage therapy and suggested icing it for 10 minutes every hour or so. There was less pain today than yesterday, so hopefully it will slowly heal. In the meantime, Mark is basically out of the work force. It is almost impossible to make him do nothing, but I’ll keep trying.

Late this afternoon we went to Patsy and Joe’s. I worked with Patsy to start going through cabinets and closets to find things that need to be gotten rid of in anticipation of their move in June. Patsy and Joe fixed a pork roast for dinner. Joe found the recipe on the internet and Patsy executed. The result was a super tender roast. Tomorrow will be a bit of a repeat of today. I need to catch up on correspondence in the morning and in the afternoon we’ll go to Patsy and Joe’s to do a little more to help them get ready for the big move.